
Easy and cheap DIY Decoupage Tissue Box Tutorial

This easy and cheap DIY decoupage tissue box is such a cute accent to your home. Instead of having the store bought designed cardboard tissue box you can make a cover to match your own decor. You can make seasonal tissue boxes that will bring you joy throughout the year.

What you need to make a decoupage tissue box


How to make decoupage tissue box

Step One

Purchase your items. I like to buy the wood tissue box covers from Michaels because of the quality and price. There are other options out there though, especially on Etsy.


Step two


I like to stain my boxes using a Minwax dark walnut. Make sure to read the label on your stain to know how long it will take to dry. When I’m completely finished with my tissue box I always sand the edges down and the stain with show when I do this. This will give your tissue box a beautiful lightly rustic look. I actually think that it helps to make the tissue box look more professional and give it that ‘done’ look that some homemade projects lack.


Step Three

When you decoupage paper onto your box, whatever the color is underneath your paper will show through slightly. I want the true look of the paper I’m decoupaging so I like to paint my box white. I generally only paint one coat maybe two.

Step Four

Look over your decoupage paper you’ve selected and make a rough plan for how you want your tissue box to look. I’ve selected a couple different toile patterns so I have found the same scenes that I would like to be on each side.

I often use material that needs to be cut way down in order to easily apply it to my tissue box. The easiest way to do this is to overlay your entire sheet of paper onto the side of the tissue box you are decoupaging. Gently press the paper along the edges of the tissue box so that it makes a crease. Cut about a 1/2″ to a full inch around your crease line so you have plenty of room to work with. Place it over the side you want to mod podge it to to make sure it is how you want it.

Step five

Time to decoupage! Using your foam or bristle brush apply a healthy layer of mod podge to one of the sides of your tissue box. Immediately take your paper and place it on top of the wet glue. You will not be able to move the paper around much once it is placed on the glue so do your best to place it right where you want it.

Tip: don't stress on this! It will turn out beautiful even if it's not perfect. Your paper will most likely be slightly wrinkly. That's completely normal and most likely unavoidable. I've learned to love the rustic charm of it :). 

Step Six

Very gently paint another coat of mod podge on top of the paper. Depending on what paper you chose it could be very thin and easy to rip. If you accidentally rip your paper just push it back where it should go the best you can without fussing too much. Move on to the rest of the paper and come back to it after the glue underneath it has dried a little. Let this coat dry.

Step Seven

Once your first coat of mod podge has dried, apply a second coat. This one will go on much easier and faster. I like to put a total of two to three coasts on to help protect it and I like the finished product. I usually do two coats, but sometimes I will feel the dried product and want one extra coat.

Step Eight

You will most likely have some paper hanging over the edges of your box. Using any kind of sand paper lightly sand the edges of your box to remove the paper that is hanging over.

Tip: If you don't have a sanding block you can just use your hands and some sand paper. However, I like to use a small piece of wood and wrap sanding sheets around it to make it easier to sand.

Step Nine

Repeat steps four through eight until you’ve completed each side. You do the exact same thing for the top of your box but you will need to sand the paper where the hole is as well.

DIY Decoupage Tissue Box

This easy and cheap DIY decoupage tissue box is such a cute accent to your home. Instead of having the store bought designed cardboard tissue box you can make a cover to match your own decor. You can make seasonal tissue boxes that will bring you joy throughout the year.
Active Time5 days
Yield: 1 Cube Tissue Box Cover


  • 1 Foam craft paint roller
  • 1 Craft bristle paint brush or foam brush
  • 1 Sheet of sandpaper or sanding block
  • 1 Pair of protective gloves for staining (optional)
  • 1 Staining cloth or brush (optional)
  • 1 Pair of scissors


  • 1 Wood tissue box cover
  • 1 Can Stain of your choice (optional) I like Minwax Dark Walnut
  • 1 Bottle Paint of your choice (optional) I use acrylic white paint
  • 1 Sheet Sanding paper or sanding block See post for tips on making your own sanding block
  • 1 Piece Decoupage paper, tissue paper, or napkins in your favorite design or color
  • 1 Bottle Mod Podge I like the Matte Mod Podge


  • Using protective gloves stain tissue box and let dry over night.
  • Using a foam craft paint roller paint your box and let dry over night. I generally only paint one coat maybe two.
  • Look over your decoupage paper you've selected and make a rough plan for how you want your tissue box to look. I often use tissue paper and napkins that have multiple designs and I make sure each side of my tissue box will have the look I want.
  • Place your paper over one side of the tissue box and gently press around the edges to create crease.
  • Cut about ½-1 inch outside of your crease lines to give you lots of room to play with. Lay your cut out piece of paper onto the side of your tissue box to make sure it fits and looks how you want it to.
  • Using a craft bristle brush or foam brush paint on a generous amount of Mod Podge to the side of your tissue box you are working on.
  • Immediately place your cut out paper onto the glue. Carefully press down and smooth out best you can. ***Do not stress this step. Do the best you can. Once the paper is on the glue you will not be able to move it around much. If you try to move it you will most likely rip your paper and make it worse. The good news is that even if it's slightly crooked or not perfect, it always turns out imperfectly beautiful so you really can't mess it up ;)***
  • Using your brush paint another layer of Mod Podge on top of your paper. It will look very white like you just dumped an entire bottle of Elmer's glue on it. Once it drys it will look clear. Let dry completely.
  • Add another coat of Mod Podge and let dry. I usually only do two coats but feel it and inspect it once two coats have dried. If you think it needs another coat go for it.
  • To remove the excess paper use sand paper and lightly sand the edges until the paper tears off easily. Repeat on all sides to remove all excess paper. Sand down any rough edges to make smooth.
  • Repeat steps 4-10 until all sides of your tissue box have been decoupaged.
  • If you would like lightly sand edges one last time to give it a beautiful rustic look.
  • Set overtop of a cube box of facial tissues and enjoy your brand new tissue box cover.

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