How to Clean Enameled Cast Iron Pots and Pans

I used to use a very harsh cleaner on all my pots and pans to get out tough stains and stuck on food. It worked really well and seemed to be just the thing I needed in my kitchen. Until I read about all the nasty ingredients that were in it and how it can affect the person using them. When you cook food from scratch you use a lot of pots and pans. Which means I clean a lot of pots and pans and was getting all of these harsh chemicals on my skin and into my body daily. So I went on a journey to figure out how to clean enameled cast iron pots and pans without hurting myself.

Natural Non-Toxic Cleaners work

It drives me absolutely nuts that there are a ton of cleaners on the market that are full of complete garbage ingredients when we have so many more natural and non toxic ingredients that work great, maybe even better. I know sometimes all the garbage chemicals actually do work better, but at what cost. Good thing that’s not the case for this cleaner. And the great news is that you probably already have it in your home.

Baking Soda

That’s right. Good ol’ fashioned baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate) has become my new go to cleaner when my enameled cast iron pots and pans have stuck on food and stains that I cannot get off with elbow grease alone. Check out this post on other uses and some things you should not use baking soda for.

How to us baking soda as a cleaner on enameled cast iron post and pans

To clean enameled cast iron pots and pans with baking soda is as easy as it is effective. My favorite way to use baking soda on these pots and pans is to simply get them a little wet. I just rinse them under water to get all of the easy food off first. With the pot or pan still a little wet I generously sprinkle on baking soda to cover all of the stuck on food and stains. You can let this sit for a little while if you’d like, but I never have the patience for it. I use a regular dish rag to then work the baking soda and a little bit of water into the stain. Most stuck on food and stains come off right away and I’m always impressed with how well plain ol’ baking soda works.

How to clean the tougher stuck on food and stains

I still use baking soda for the tougher stuck on food and stains but I might have to reapply the baking soda a few times. If I’m still not able to remove the stain I’ll sprinkle on a little bit of table salt to help gently scrub off the reluctant stain. If you want to get real crazy, you could try this egg shell scrub that I’m dying to make. I haven’t had a chance to do it yet, but I love the idea of another food item I’m reusing and not just throwing away.

How to store baking soda

Since I now use baking soda for so many things around our home I like to buy it in bulk then put some in a mason jar for each area of the house I use it frequently. I have one in my kitchen for scrubbing my enameled cast iron pots and pans, but also for baking, cleaning the stove, cleaning my sink, etc. So many uses and I don’t have to worry about a bunch of harsh chemicals getting on or in my body.

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Easy Cleaning Schedule

How To Keep The Dishes Clean

Simple Solutions To Never Ending Laundry

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